Net Balance New is a portable bioresonance device that is designed to harmonize biological systems of human beings.Net Balance New comes with software with advanced options. The full range of functions is activated as a default.. The device can be programmed up to 100 manual complexes, wit..
Net Expert Profi is a portable bioresonance device that provides rapid testing (like a Net Expert device) and an extra module for specialists practicing alternative medicine (Net Expert Profi). Just switch between Net Expert Profi and Net Expert to choose the necessary program.
There’s a set of..
Net EXPERT is a non-medical bioresonance device that offers testing of people’s biosystems. There’s a set of basic programs installed on the device, pay for advanced software to get access to the full range of opportunities this device offers. Net Expert has the following characteristics:&..
Net Transfer is a non-medical device that is designed for energy-information transfer of characteristics from and to different substances.
There’s a set of basic programs installed on the device, pay for advanced software to get access to the full range of opportunities this device offers.
Branded transportation/storage case for Net Expert Profi devices protects the devices from occasional damage and makes their storage more convenient...
NetCloud system is an exceptional environment that unites a great deal of know-how and is the one and only system in the world that offers bioresonance technology based on the Cloud.NetCloud system is compatible with Windows operating systems and with macOS. NetCloud system environmen..